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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bail Out? really???

Is this Armageddon or did Wall Street plan this to get back at George W. for NOT following through with is campaign promises?
Well if ever there were an Armageddon on the economy we are certainly setting the stage for it.
The rumor mills are in overtime and the American middle-class can't catch a break, then out of know where the stock market takes an Olympic Dive into the abyss of an already staggering economy leaving the so-called 'white collar' worker standing in line at the unemployment office behind the rest of us.
The Federal Reserve stood quietly by and watch a 135 year old company close it's doors, lay off its workers and file for bankruptcy and just when you thought the bottom of the barrel had been reached they jump up and throw 85 MILLION dollars on the doorstep of AIG!
Washington will let the investment banks fend for themselves and watch the retirement plans of millions disinigrate, but when an insurance company is going to give the Federal Government an 80% interest in the company..hey...let us empty the pockets of Americans everywhere and bail them out!??
I don't know about you but the idea of our Federal Government having an invested ownership in one of the top insurance companies in the country kinda gives me the heebie jeebies!
What happened to the idea of 'less' government control? First they bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, now AIG....what's next?
Well I don't know what is next but I can tell you what WON'T be next...the almighty Federal Reserve won't be offering up any bail outs to you and me!
Nope, if we make a bad investment, or fail to make a loan payment you and I will be left in the shadows of the giants.
Yep, our hard earned, scarcely saved monies will be taxed and given to the corporate giants that promise to give the Feds a cut. Our taxes will no longer build new infastructure, it will be used instead to patch up the walls of a failing one.
Yesterday Gov. Palin was rejoicing in the governments decision to let the Lehman Brothers fall and then today claiming it was a necessary decision to bail out AIG.?? huh?
Yesterday Senator McCain claimed the fundamentals of our economy were strong, and today is saying what he really meant was our working class citizens are strong....but what he failed to mention was the thousands that are now NOT working.
and let's not forget Senator Obama, while he and Joe Biden both claimed a bail out of the Lehman Brothers was the right thing to NOT do, today the only thing they could offer us was an explanation for why McCain was wrong?? huh?
I think you and I can figure out for ourselves who is right and who is wrong, but what we still have failed to hear is what McCain and Obama are GOING TO DO for US!!
I wanna know HOW they are going to get more and higher paying jobs HERE in the USA.
I wanna know HOW they are going to put Wall Streets balls in a noose.
I wanna know HOW they are going to keep my tax dollars from bailing out a corporate giant that got greedy.
More importantly I wanna know HOW they are going to BAIL MY BUTT OUT of the mess George W. Bush has left us in.
another twist in this long and winding road......


KyDust said...

Wooow I had no idea! I'm so glad you've been having time to post so that I know what's going on! =) I think you should be President.

Seven Star Hand said...

Hi Jack,

Its way past time to stop worrying about taxes and start paying attention to the proven facts that the Federal Reserve is not federal, has no reserves, and is one of the greatest deceptions imposed on the world.

Now's the time to hold their feet to the fire and take back our civilization from these evil scoundrels. Karma's a bitch and those atop the pyramid are just beginning to taste Her great displeasure at the greed and great injustice that the world's economic and financial systems cause and perpetuate.

Anyone who still thinks that money and imposed usury are a wise and just way to manage civilization is suffering from strong delusion and Stockholm syndrome.

Humanity has long been duped into accepting the great deception that is money and banking. The world financial system is now in the process of a slow and inexorable implosion and the unraveling will make Enron look like child's play. The mess created in recent decades and greatly magnified by the Neo-cons and their greedy cohorts is about to plunge the world into a great debacle.

It will soon become obvious, to even the most clueless, that it will be easier to step away from the deceptions of the past and finally fix our civilization so it works for everyone, not just a few. Why should humanity struggle and suffer any longer to repay debts and endure debacles created by greedy and deceptive monetary and political leaders? The power of the rich and arrogant is about to be blown away on the winds of irresistible change.

Here is Wisdom...

Jack said...

Seven Star thank you for your insightful comment. I agree 100% that the rich and arrogant are about to reap the crop of the seeds they've sown and when reality reaches up and bites them in their powdered and protected buttocks it will be the little guy they look to with their bewildered eyes wondering why they sit watching grinning all the while :)