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Monday, January 28, 2008

The Final...FINALLY!!!

As we gear up for yet another groce display of our current President’s inability to complete a thought or a sentence we can’t help but rejoice in the fact it is his FINAL State of the Union Address!!
The word ‘FINAL’ rings loudly in my ears like the jack pot sirens on a slot machine…WOOHOOOO!
While the analysts have busied themselves today trying to decipher, predict and suggest what it is he might focus on, we can all be certain the entire undertone, or subliminal message if you will, of his speech will no doubt be a desperate, final attempt of projecting the Republican party into the light of a caring, concerned father figure, pledging to fix it all and make it better.
Well, I’m afraid Mr. President there is no band-aid big enough, or boo-boo kiss loving enough to fix the mess you have literally made of our country.
From crashing our economy into the abyss, leaving hundreds and thousands of children without healthcare, thousands of elderly with no heat, civil rights as much of an issue as its always been, the education system still lying in the dust of other countries and our men and women in uniform still in harms way in a far away country where the word ‘American’ is spat like a curse word on the playground of hell, you Mr. President certainly cannot do or say anything that would convince the people you had their best interests in mind.
George W, you are the uninvited guest that stayed too long! The party is over, the punch bowl is dry and it’s time for you to go! There is nothing left in the pockets of our society for you to steal, there is nothing left of our respect or our power.
You must go now Mr. President, while we still have our dignity!
It is hard for me to comprehend how this is the same country that sought to impeach a president for ‘bugging’ a hotel, sought to impeach a president for sexual favors in the Oval Office, yet have allowed you to lose Bin Laden, invade another country out of distraction, clear out our surplus and leave us further in debt than any President before you. This same country has allowed you to destroy our image world wide, to take us from powerful and mighty to lame and selfish.
You have been allowed to fail at levels most of us did not know existed, if ever there was REAL cause for impeachment it was you, George W.
You are an employee of this country and yet you continue to be paid for a job you refuse to do. You go bed every night with health insurance paid for by Us, you have food on your table every day paid for by Us, you have heat in your home every day paid for by Us and what have you given Us???
I say Good Bye and Good Riddance!!!


KyDust said...

Awe I like Bush but I think it's because of who he was running against... I don't know, but I like him for some reason. X3 Yaaay!

Jack said...

we forgive you Ky! its not ur fault u have been chained to your text books for the last 7 years and not kept up with world events! lol*
the man has turned us into a laughing-stock, a joke, around the world....maybe u can create a new game where 'we the people' take revenge on world leaders :) eheh

Anonymous said...

Its actually the people BEHIND him that have turned us into a joke. Not actually HIM. So try directing your hate towards the people who tell him what to do, and not the man himself.

Jack said...

the 'man himself' as you call him, IS THE DRIVING force...he has had MANY people 'behind' him that have told him NOT to invade Iraq, NOT to send a surge of troops...NOT to cut taxes for the wealthy while the poor struggle, NOT to give tax credits for sending jobs over seas....shall I go on? and HE REPLACED those people...he has a yes man administration. I do believe my disgust is aimed perfectly where it belongs :) but thanx

Anonymous said...

I'm disgusted how you could think that its just one person's fault. If they thought he was such a bad president they would have impeached him already. Its not just one person doing all of this.

Jack said...

well actually 'anonymous' as you prefer to be called, you CAN NOT impeach a president because they are doing a 'bad job'. There are LAWS in place that dictate when and how and why you can impeach.
As for your 'disgust' well there isn't much I can do about that, although I find it a bit much for just my opinion.
If you think Bush has had NOTHING or very little to do with the actions of HIS administration you obviously have very little knowledge of how things are done. You surely know that for 6 of his presidential years he has had a COMPLETELY Republican controlled House & Congress, that is HIS party and thus, he has had GREAT control over what has been done or not done (which in his case MUCH has been NOT DONE)
The people that were initially hired to investigate the situation in Iraq TOLD HIM he needed to pull our troops out, his response...HE FIRED THEM and HIRED SOMEONE ELSE...he HAS a 'yes man' administration, how do you not see that as HIS doing?
The GREATEST thing about this election year....his name WON'T be on the ballot!!

Anonymous said...

You sure do get mad when somebody challenges your opinion. Not everybody agrees on everything. Half the nation says they like the guy, half the nation says they don't. And if you were president I'm sure you would want a "yes ma'am" administration.

Jack said...

Nope, I am not 'getting mad', and I wasn't aware you were challenging me? I find you rather amusing actually. I am merely explaining my position, to which you have very obviously found great offense in.
If 'half' the country likes the guy then why does he have only a 30% approval rating? (last I knew half was 50)
Its ok if people like him, this is America and we are allowed to support whomever we want, even if they are an idiot.
and I guarantee you that if I were President the last thing I would want is a 'yes ma'am' administration. If everyone's opinions and thoughts are the exact same NOTHING gets accomplished. *For an example please see the Bush Administration.*
I think Bush has not only hurt the Republican Party but has turned our Nation into a laughing-stock around the world. It will take a great many years to heal the wounds he has inflicted, and whether or not you like the guy it would take a much greater moron than him to NOT see the damage this country has endured during the Bush Administration.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to get so technical. Half was just an estimate, I wasn't saying the 'exact' amount. I don't even care how much approval he has.
But...Just wondering why do you call people idiots or morons for supporting the guy, and not really paying attention to the damage?
I'm not offended at all, really. I don't support the administration. But your choice of words have a harshness to them, if you hadn't noticed.

Jack said...

I suppose I refer to those who support the Bush Administration as 'idiots' and 'morons' because well I believe you would have to be to support anyone who has done so much irreprable damage to this country. I agree my words are harsh when it comes to this administration. I take great pride in being an American, I take equal rights and Civil Rights extremely seriously, and the Bush Administration has stomped all over them all, this tends to really tick me off and that has apparently come through in my words.